Ferries Sardinia Nice Golfo Aranci

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With Ferriesonline.com you can compare schedules and fares of all companies, choose your favourite ferry! Nice - Golfo Aranci

How long does it take to reach Sardinia by ferry?

Nizza - Golfo Aranci

The link is made 5 times a year by Sardinia Ferries on this route. The time to travel the distance with night departures, varies from 13 hours and 45 minutes up to 16 hours.


How to reach the port of Nice
The port of Nice can be reached via the A8 - La Provençale motorway. For those coming to Nice from ... follows


Golfo Aranci

Reaching the port of Golfo Aranci
How to reach the port of Golfo Aranci. The port of Golfo Aranci is on the northeast coast of Sardinia just 16 km from Olbia, is the main entrance to the Emerald Coast The port can ... follows

Golfo Aranci

Customer service 6 days a week

Customer service 6 days a week from Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM / 3:30 PM - 19:30 PM, Saturday 09:00 AM - 1.00 PM.